Collective Mod for Minecraft 1.19.3, 1.18.2 [Fabric and Forge]

If you’re a fan of Minecraft mods, you may have come across Serilum’s mods. One of the tools used to maintain and improve these mods is Collective, a shared library mod that centralizes data and functions for easier maintenance and updating.

What is Collective?

Collective is a mod that contains data and functions that are shared across all of Serilum’s mods. It helps to maintain both the Forge and Fabric versions of the mods and creates possibilities for current and future project features. With Collective, the updating process is made easier when there’s an improvement for a function that is relevant to many others. This means having to update one project instead of six, saving time and making modders a little happier.

Features of Collective

  • Variables for increased compatibility with other projects: Collective includes variables that make it easier for Serilum’s mods to work well with other mods.
  • Functions that convert data for mods: Collective includes functions that convert data for mods, which can help improve compatibility and make it easier to update mods.
  • An event to replace and resupply entities: Collective includes an event that allows modders to replace and resupply entities.
  • Centralized backward compatibility for major version changes: Collective includes a centralized system for backward compatibility, which can make it easier to update mods when major version changes occur.

Configuring Collective

Collective includes some configuration options that can be adjusted to suit the user’s needs and preferences. These options include:

  • transferItemsBetweenReplacedEntities (default = true): When enabled, this option transfers held items and armor from replaced entities by any of the Entity Spawn mods that depend on Collective.
  • loopsAmountUsedToGetAllEntityDrops (default = 100, min 1, max 200): This option adjusts the amount of times Collective loops through possible mob drops to get them all procedurally. Drops are only generated when a dependent mod uses them. Lowering this can increase world load time but decrease accuracy.
  • findABlockcheckAroundEntitiesDelayMs (default = 30000, min 0, max 3600000): This option sets the delay of the “is-there-a-block-around” check around entities in ms. It is used in mods that depend on a specific block state in the world. Increasing this number can increase TPS if needed.
  • enableAntiRepostingCheck (default = true): This option enables an anti-reposting check to prevent mod reposting. For more information, please visit


Collective is a useful shared library mod for maintaining and improving Serilum’s mods. With its centralized data and functions, it makes updating and maintaining mods easier for modders. Its configuration options can be adjusted to suit the user’s needs and preferences. If you’re a fan of Serilum’s mods, be sure to check out Collective to see how it can enhance your Minecraft experience!

Download Collective Mod for Fabric and Forge