steve jordan

Steve Jordan

Steve Jordan, is an expert and news writer for Minecraft Java and Bedrock. With a passion for gaming and years of experience, Steve delivers high-quality content that readers can rely on. As a freelancer for Redstone Games, he specializes in addons and mods topics and provides valuable insights for players.
minecraft angry birds dlc

Minecraft Gets Angry Birds DLC

Mojang and Rovio Entertainment have teamed up to deliver yet another unusual DLC for Minecraft: Angry Birds. One of the first games to explode in the number of downloads on mobile phones, the birds of Angry Birds arrive in the…

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When Minecraft Wild Update Will Be Released

Minecraft is hardly short on content, but that doesn’t stop Mojang Studios from preparing the next major content update for the endlessly expanding creative survival game. The Wild Update is expected to officially launch in late 2022, and development has…